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Batman Joker (1989) (#337)
DC Flash (#10)
Batman Animated Series Bane (#192)
DC Mister Mxyzptlk (#267) 2019 Spring Convention
Suicide Squad Killer Croc (#102)
Batman Forever Two-Face (#341)
DC Batman (Scythe) (#397) 2021 Summer Convention
Batman V Superman Wonder Woman (#86)
Batman Forever Riddler (#340)
Suicide Squad Katana (#100)
DC Super Heroes Power Girl (#94)
Batman Ra's Al Ghul (#345)
DC Imperial Harley Quinn (#376)
Suicide Squad Boomerang (#101)
Aquaman SODA Vinyl
DC Comics Bombshells Wonder Woman (#167) Chase
Suicide Squad Rick Flag (#99)
Batman Earth-44 Murder Machine (#360)
Arrow Deathstroke (#210)
DC Super Heroes Cyborg (#95)
Birds of Prey Harley Quinn Incognito (#311) Speciality Series
Batman Animated Valentines Pocket Pop (4-Pack)
Flash Reverse Flash (#215)
DC Universe The Joker (#06) Black & White
Suicide Squad Deadshot (Masked) (#106)
Suicide Squad Killer Croc (Hooded) (#150)
Suicide Squad The Joker (Tuxedo) (#109)
Batman Arkham Knight Scarecrow (#74)
DC Super Heroes Hawkgirl (#138) Legion of Collectors
DC Green Lantern (#09)
DC Super Heroes Red Hood (#236) 2018 Summer Convention
DC Super Heroes Huntress (#285) 2019 Fall Convention