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Dragon Ball Z Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta (#709) Out-of-Box
Dragon Ball Goku on Nimbus Out-of-Box (OOB#758)
Dragon Ball Z Frieza Final Form Out-of-Box (OOB#648)
Dragon Ball Krillin Out-of-Box (OOB#647)
Dragonball Super Saiyan Kale Out-of-Box (#OOB619)
Dragon Ball Metallic Vegeta Out-of-Box (OOB#597)
Dragon Ball Z Tien and Chiaotzu Out-of-Box (OOB#0259)
Dragon Ball Z Beerus Out-of-Box (OOB#044)
Dragon Ball Z Majin Buu Out-of-Box
Dragon Ball Z Super Saiyan Goku with Kamehameha (#948) Out-of-Box (OOB#208)
Dragon Ball Z Vegeta (Garlick Gun) (#712) Out-of-Box
Dragon Ball Master Roshi Peace Sign Out-of-Box (OOB#110)
Dragon Ball Super Gotenks Out-of-Box (OOB#0208)
Dragon Ball Super Saiyan Rose Out-of-Box
Dragon Ball Goku Out-of-Box
Dragon Ball Piccolo Out-of-Box (OOB#0629)
Dragon Ball Yamcha and Puar Out-of-Box
Dragon Ball Gohan Out-of-Box
Dragon Ball Badman Vegeta Out-of-Box
Dragon Ball Z Goku Out-of-Box
Dragon Ball Z Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Goku Out-of-Box (OOB#651)
Dragonball Piccolo Chrome Green Out-of-Box (#OOB562)
Dragonball Dodoria Out-of-Box (OOB#0236)
Dragon Ball Goku Out-of-Box (OOB#0215)
Dragon Ball Training Vegeta Out-of-Box (OOB#0214)
Dragon Ball Zamasu Out-of-Box (OOB#0213)
Dragon Ball Z Android 16 Metallic Out-of-Box
Dragon Ball Z Super Saiyan Gohan GITD Out-of-Box (OOB#101)
Dragon Ball Z Legendary Super Saiyan Broly Out-of-Box 6 Inch